The Colorful world of surfing nicknames

The Colorful world of surfing nicknames

In all most all sports in the world, where players play as a team they usually call their team-mates with their nicknames. The nicknames associated with the people have a certain significance, and they possess such names because of a particular attribute they have in...
Is surfing safe to do?

Is surfing safe to do?

If you’ve never surfed before and your friend just asked you to join them on their surf holiday, your first instinct might be to back out right away. After all, spending your summer surfing sounds less like a fun retreat and more like a lot of exercise and learning...
Famous Celebrities who like to Surf

Famous Celebrities who like to Surf

Who doesn’t like to surf? Other than those afraid of the ocean. You feel so restless, envious, to see that while you are sitting still on the sand, others are having so much fun. It has been made something for the commoners. A lot of people have this ridiculous idea...
7 Best surf destinations

7 Best surf destinations

If you are looking for exciting surfing opportunities, then it makes sense for you to choose from a few top surf destinations. Whatever kind of surf plans you have made for yourself, the following destinations are sure to have you covered. This year more people will...
Costs of Surfing

Costs of Surfing

Like all other sports that need practice, surfing is no exception. The more one practices, the more expert he gets at the sport. Surfing is a sport which requires the special training to play with sea waves and learn how to catch them without getting panicked. Surfing...