It appears not, but time passes quickly.

Recently we were still enjoying Christmas, fattening as if we were a turkey on Christmas Eve, and we are already thinking about the second month of the year. And in this coming month there is an important event. Of course we are talking about one of the most sweet and romantic events of the year, Valentine’s Day (except if you have already been given a surfboard like JJ Florence has).

A day that for some people is just one more, and for others it is a day in which everything must go perfectly to surprise your partner. And this is the problem, every time we make gifts more complex and at the same time more common because we run out of ideas. Last minute hurries, crazy purchases and sometimes what we do is give away the most classic. Who has not given some chocolates, roses or a romantic dinner? Even everything at once!

That’s why today we want to bring you the definitive solution to make your gift the most original. You will be, at least this year, the king or queen of love (with permission from Cupid). In short, if you want to be original and make your partner melt for you, you just have to give him a surf and adventure trip, a couple of days or a week, whatever you prefer, but escape with your partner and come to our Surf Camp.

And if you are single, what better excuse than to give yourself a treat on these dates, because there is no greater love than you have to yourself. And with who better than your friends to share those fun and special moments … They would also do it for you!

Why our Surf Camp and not the one closest to you?

Well, because our Surf Camp in Morocco offers good weather, sun and beach with excursions through the desert, cultural visits to mythical cities of Morocco and all the adventure you can imagine. Of course you will also have your time of relaxation, with massages and yoga.

For all the couples that come, we have prepared a small surprise for you, a very sweet detail that you surely love!


We wait for you in the waves! With love, of course! 😉